> MAP: Countries in which English is mandatory or optional
Hi there, members of my English course grade 10 / Einführungsstufe 2022/23,
I hope you have spent your time wisely and satisfactorily (even if this might be quite contradictory at your young age) and you have arrived in Louisenlund safely and healthily .... and kind of motivated ..., especially to witness the new ways all of us - students and teachers at Louisenlund - are going to work together in class.
Since most students and teachers in Oberstufe have not had any experience in teaching the new 'individual' and cooperative way so far, I would like to give you the opportunity to actively participate in the creation of our course curriculum on the obligatory term topic ENGLISH AS A GLOBAL LANGUAGE.
My aim is to include proposals and wishes from your side regarding this topic in order that our degree of cooperation as well as level of motivation is as high as possible. We will definitely have to talk about the history of the English language as well as the historical global impact of British imperialism and colonialism at the beginning of our term as a fundamental starting point to gather some background knowledge.
Afterwards, we can deal with topics such as 'fake news and online disinformation', the possible future of English as a global language, language and identity (cultural and social issues for hyphenated and mixed-race Americans and Brits) etc.
Thus, the more you engage in participating and co-creating our curriculum, the more you should be able to find an interest in what we will be doing and finally achive a satisfactory markin your school report, consisting of your exam grades and certain parts of your verbal participation.
So, please, let us work together as a team, based on honesty and dependability, especially against the backdrop of our inexperience regarding the new cooperative teaching system.
In general, as students of grade E / 10, we also have to occupy our minds with listening comprehension (to be tested in an exam obligatorily), Abitur-relevant mediation (German text(s) and English answer in the form of a combination of summary and 'authentic role-play') as well as Abitur-relevant oral exam situations (dealing with relevant global topics).
Finally, next term, in February until the summer break, we will focus on the topic 'regionalism' and have writing outlines, analyses and reports in focus.
- Teacher: Heimo Braun
- Teacher: Marta Dory
- Teacher: Lena-Marie Kämmerling
- Teacher: Liv Carolin Petersen
- Teacher: Martina Scharfenorth