sustainable global development goals

IMAGE: Example focusing on the quality and fertility of soil in agriculture.

This English basic level course in grade 12  (= Grundniveau) is meant to keep you abreast of the times, that is, keep you notified about current global affairs, especially in social, ecological, economic and technological terms. This is the ministry's officially obligatory and binding topic we have to deal with until your first graduation exams next year in 2024.

Since this is, primarily, not a grad course, but (for most or all of you) a regular and ordinary basic course, we may use the opportunity to agree on our own choice of topics within the scope of the official 'theme park'. Together, we should list the most decisive current global issues and agree on a set of topics we all prefer the most.

We may chiefly focus on project work, group tasks, controversial discussions, presentations as well as on finding solutions for topical problems by gleaning the latest information on the respective issues from reliable internet sources.Yet, this mainly depends on your own level of interest, motivation and cooperation.

Since the material are manifold in form and almost endless in number, we can choose from a vast variety ranging from all kinds of visual material, to all genres and kinds of text, to audio recordings  - and their mixed forms. 

Consequently, the more commitment you invest in this course, the more you will break through the (maybe boring) surface of the respective matter and tap the thrill of dealing with it because of your growing expertise - and maybe also even detect your concern, connection and responsibility in this context.

centre for global challenges